Business Innovation Factory Conference
I mentioned this briefly in an earlier post, but I wanted to get the word out one more time.
The Business Innovation Factory, located in Providence, Rhode Island, is sponsoring a collaborative summit on innovation with some of the top thinkers on innovation in the world today. Rather than a traditional presentation based conference, this event is focused on storytelling, with lots of time for interaction and networking.
See the BIF's website and consider registering for the event, which will be held October 4th and 5th.
A number of folks who write regularly about innovation will be attending, and writing/blogging about the event. Those include good friends like:
Renee Callahan, who writes IdeaFlow
Joyce Wycoff, who writes Heads-Up!
(by the way, Joyce also organizes the Innovation Immersion conference, which you should strongly consider attending as well. We'll be there.)
and some other bloggers who write regularly on innovation, including:
Jeff DeCagna from Principled Innovation
Steve Hardy from Creative Generalist
It will be interesting to participate in the event and get to mix and mingle with such a great group of innovators, and the folks who write about innovation topics.
It's not too late to get involved in the BIF collaborative summit. Here's the details.
Hope to see you there.
The Business Innovation Factory, located in Providence, Rhode Island, is sponsoring a collaborative summit on innovation with some of the top thinkers on innovation in the world today. Rather than a traditional presentation based conference, this event is focused on storytelling, with lots of time for interaction and networking.
See the BIF's website and consider registering for the event, which will be held October 4th and 5th.
A number of folks who write regularly about innovation will be attending, and writing/blogging about the event. Those include good friends like:
Renee Callahan, who writes IdeaFlow
Joyce Wycoff, who writes Heads-Up!
(by the way, Joyce also organizes the Innovation Immersion conference, which you should strongly consider attending as well. We'll be there.)
and some other bloggers who write regularly on innovation, including:
Jeff DeCagna from Principled Innovation
Steve Hardy from Creative Generalist
It will be interesting to participate in the event and get to mix and mingle with such a great group of innovators, and the folks who write about innovation topics.
It's not too late to get involved in the BIF collaborative summit. Here's the details.
Hope to see you there.

Nice. Is there something similar happening in Bay Area, California?
Creativity And Innovation in Business
It is good to know that there are business innovators on this conference who are ready to share their brilliant ideas on business.
Harga Jual Blackberry iPhone Laptop Murah - Nice. Is there something similar happening in Bay Area, California?
By: Harga Jual Blackberry iPhone Laptop Murah
See my blog: Harga Jual Blackberry iPhone Laptop Murah
thanks for sharing..
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